The brief history of space
welcome back everyone, if you are directly jumping in after reading the first blog DONot read,
an illustration of the bigbang
Give yourself time and think about and come here again after a day or so,
so here is the blog
The average life of a human is 79 years or so when comparing it to the universe its like comparing an atom to the sun, it is said that the age of the universe is 13.7 billion years that's 9 zeros!!!!!
I think the universe is still in its toddler or infant years, it is only an assumption, not a fact
Only time will tell,
According to Stephen Hawking in his book a brief history of time,
The universe is expanding [ This was His PhD thesis } and it had a beginning,
But how did it begin ? or was there no beginning at all, was it present from the starting of time,
did god create the universe with the big bang?
These were the question that arose in my mind as well as Stephens,
Humans are very tiny beings who live for very short periods of time,
Do you think the universe had a beginning? or did it exist from the beginning of time or it was present even before the creation of time?
That's a lot of questions,
Think about it and come back the next day again
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